A Dog Neutering Programme was launched at a Press Conference at theMellieha Local Council on Wednesday 24th May 2006

The programme will start on the 1st of June 2006 by Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary with the participation of the Malta Veterinary Association.

Present for the launch were the Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary committee, Jutta Spang representing ITV Grenzenlos, the Minister of Rural Affairs and Environment and the Mayor of Mellieha.

Jutta spang presented a cheque to cover the neutering of 300 dogs.

FROM LEFT: Mark Vella Bardon, Mayor John Buttigieg, Minister George Pullicino, Jutta Spang & Fabio Ciappara

Click to open the transcripts of the relevant speeches :

Mark Vella Bardon of Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary

Juttta Spang of ITV Grenzenlos

Mellieha Mayor, John Buttigieg

Minister of Rural affairs and Environment, the Hon. George Pullicino